Bosom Buddy


To fight with them or to make them cry
Still they are the one who makes your tears dry

Divergent at mind
Still having aforesaid heart kind

They every time telepath your words and so do you
Yes it happens don’t know why only with them and you

You never show anything but they can scratch your mind
They know your worriment and a solution they can find

Your ways of expression are different but your thinking match
At anytime if there is some exigency with anyone you both can catch
Pouring out hand in hand

Kicking up together in sand, Affixing your problems together
Be it worthy or an unpleasant weather

Feelings of love
Blossoming like dove

Moments of caring
Small small sharing

Stupid Idiotic brainless fights
Those nasty horrible guides

Syncing together in pain
Or just taping your toes in rain

Creates a miracle called


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