1. Mein se hum tak, along her books!!!

 Mein se hum tak,  along her books!!!

Happy Friendships Day!!

Happy friendships day family!!! The first post of this #Augustblogchatterhalfmarathon on this wonderful day.  And the best way to explain her relationship with her books, her best friends since ages.  

The best starter books with simplicity and detailed explanations of every school topic, Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur were her first love. For every student, it was a guide to pass and proceed to the above class, but these were the encyclopedias to her start her life. It helped students become subject experts, but these were her path to gain her identity in life. To fulfill her one goal….. adding a super name before her name… DOCTOR !! (not a surname but her first name)

Her life began in class 9 when she actually started to know what life is all about friends. family and most important to her BOOKS. Yes, that was the class she realized that books are her best friends. She got so much dug into her hardcover notes that she had no other to focus.

Till class 8 she was a chubbily naughty girl, ranking 15th in a class of 30, but that one day changed her life forever!!

JD “Rank 3”

In class 9th H with a class strength of 45. Many congratulations…. She could not believe herself and was fully excited. Everyone congratulated her on this unbelievable achievement of hers. And that was the day she fell in love with her study edition.

As soon as she came back home, she could not hold her excitement and danced like nobody was watching. Thrilled and super joy-full she jumped on her mom to share her topper story. Prayers to the God and Blessings of her family members, she was on cloud nine in class nine.

Her journey of studies began with her booklets of science. S.Chand’s publication’s science books were her favorite. She knew every chapter every word of the book.  She was in terrible love with both math and science. 

One day for her love for cooking she was in her thoughts of acceleration, motion, and velocity, she tried making Pakoras in the kitchen. Pakore toh bane nahi but aaj tak who mark zaruur hai on her right hand. the hot boiling oil spilled over her hand and she couldn’t even move it. for a month she hand was wrapped in bandages and medicines were going in all day all month. But this could not take her away from her love!!!

Padhai aur kadhai ki phir kabhi match nahi banaya…. pakore kabhi banye nahi aur padhai kabhi chodi nahi. with her hard work and book love, she topped the class to reach another level of her growing life….

 Her friendship with her study periodicals had great results and the next year was the friendship test …. her Boards!!!!


To be continued….


‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’


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