Theme Reveal for #Blogchatter2022

Finally, the time of the year when talented and brilliant bloggers around the globe connect through their words. Stationing their thoughts every day for 26 days, we all put our mind towork. Though it is challenging but much fun and relaxing. We pen down all your day-to-day thoughts according 
 to theme we choose. 

The elementary post is your theme reveal that you will engrave will let the fellow bloggers get excited to read your blog daily. But I have been so caught up with my 24-hour job, that unboxing my laptop from its satchel is getting so tough. And then deciding on a theme is so grueling. But then, all of this is worth it when your readers, friends and not family, go through your post and feel inspired, enjoy your reading, but Kabhi Kabhi are demotivated. But what I feel I write, just take it the way you want. I express my thoughts via my blogs.. and till now everyone is enjoying. hope you have fun reading these too.. 

Getting back to the theme reveal...  So today while on my usual morning stroll, my eyes got a catch of a jogger’s jersey. And that just popped up in my mind with my theme for this amazing #blogchatterA2Z 2022.

It takes a whole company with thousands of employees to make that name. but we Housewives, we are the all-in-one company managing everything every minute…. Home, women-politics, pain, emotions, family, travel, job, good times, bad times. And I am one of them managing my home, my family, my friends and strangers along with a "Strong, Positive, Better Me"

 My theme for the year 2022 #BlogchatterA2Z will be 


Where I would like to express my thoughts and listen to (actually read) yours on our survival in this world full of love, hate. Joy, envy sympathy, suffering, fun, passion, and…whatnot. All my thoughts will be under the theme “housewifeyDynamics” which will inculcate all my everyday stories #treavelreadeat #housewifeyfun #housewifeyDynamics. Every day I will share my experience as a housewife to make up a fun world of my own and maybe that could help some of the other #housewifeys to have their Joyous world too in this not so fun-filled Duniya

Cheers to all the Housewifeys and their strength!!! 

Hope to have a rolling month of writing and reading!!!

Love always 

Housewifey JD

 I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and hyperlink to


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