B is for Beyond



I am not a women leader,

But I push the hardest to lead everyone in my family to become their support and lead them!! 

I am not an HR professional, 

But it’s my every day every minute task to make sure that everything in my house is going at its best and everyone is best suited to their work.

I am not an entrepreneur, 

But I am always making new projects for kids every month.

I am not at all a Celebrity 😥😥I don’t even have millions of views, 

But I help the people enjoy life by helping them, by giving them clothes so that they at least feel complete.

Far away from military police or any government service,

But I protect my family every moment. 

Not an Education professional on the roll, 

But I help my kids reach the best in their academics.

Not into empowerment groups to have good networking, 

But I can get into any network and find ways to save and help my family grow. 

So none of the above, so who am I?? 

Beyond all these important roles for the upgraded society status, 

I am a housewifey!!!

  And my existence is your existence!!!

Cheers to all the Housewifeys and their strength!!! 

Love always 



Dear busy Housewifeys, in this series, I would like to express my thoughts and listen to (rather read) yours on our survival in this world full of love, hate, Joy, envy sympathy, suffering, fun, passion, and…whatnot. All my thoughts will be under the theme “HousewifeyDynamics” which will inculcate all my everyday stories #travelreadeat #Housewifeyfun #HousewifeyDynamics. Every day I will share my experience as a housewife to make up a fun world of my own and maybe that could help some of the other #housewifeys to have their fun world too in this not so fun-filled Duniya. 


 I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and hyperlink to https://www.theblogchatter.com




  1. A tribute to houewives feels like a tribute to my mother. She is the epitome of strength, wisdom and courage for me. But sad to see that you only addressed the housewives to share their thoughts. I'm not a housewife but I still wanted to share my thoughts.


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