E for enlightenment



Kitna kaam karoge dear, Aao kabhi park pe…

We housewifeys are locked in unceasingly from cockcrow to the dead of night in our household chores. Accomplishing the whole nine yards for all our nears and dears. Rising up before the sun, to shutting our eyes late, we are on our toes. It’s been years since you have been enjoying this role but to make yourself more energetic and active, and to support your cerebrum stand up for all without getting burned up, just start endowing little time for yourself. Provide some food for your soul to help yourself unlock the doors to a better life. Out of the 1440 minutes of the day, bestow 30 minutes to yourself. Do what you want to. Bring to fruition a vision for yourself. Enhance the flow of positive energy and constructive thoughts, and indulge in hanging out with yourself.

When your blood is boiling at regular intervals, you always feel as a creative rut, engage yourself with your inner self. Try to bring down your anxiety strings and stress by doing your kind of meditation. May be yoga, walking, cycling, weight lifting, turning on your beast mode in the gym, bhajans or just listening to nature. This practice of sitting by yourself will bring calm and peacefulness within that will give you the energy for the full day. The slate of your mind will be wiped away giving you a sense of rejuvenation, genuine joy, and well-being. Awarding yourself with your time will develop a stronger understanding of yourself and help you grow into your best self. improved attention for completing your task. It will do your mind, mind-body and entire existence a lot of good. Mediation will help you experience the depths of you, the feeling of self-love, and the warmth within. The more inner awareness you impound within, the less you will be triggered by other personages.  

Take the right step towards your Enlightenment, to procure an improved self-image with a positive outlook in life. So, dearies, commence on this excellent line of defense today, getting off from those horrible head pounding episodes of our daily lives, embarking on the journey of being a More Content and A Happy You 😊


 Cheers to all the Housewifeys and their strength!!! 

Love always 



Dear busy Housewifeys, in this series, I would like to express my thoughts and listen to (rather read) yours on our survival in this world full of love, hate, Joy, envy sympathy, suffering, fun, passion, and…whatnot. All my thoughts will be under the theme “HousewifeyDynamics” which will inculcate all my everyday stories #travelreadeat #Housewifeyfun #HousewifeyDynamics. Every day I will share my experience as a housewife to make up a fun world of my own and maybe that could help some of the other #housewifeys to have their fun world too in this not so fun-filled Duniya. 


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